In the News 


Mar 18, 2020 7:50:59 AM

VEDA continues to closely monitor ongoing developments of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Our primary focus is the safety and well-being of our borrowers and employees as we implement new emergency loan programs that can help Vermont businesses survive these health and economic crises.

VEDA remains fully operational, but all four offices – Montpelier, Burlington, Middlebury and St. Johnsbury – are currently closed to the general public until further notice. Essential staff is available on-site to ensure consistent business operations and customer service. The rest of our staff is working remotely from home, like many other companies and institutions across Vermont. We are fully equipped, able and ready to continue to service all needs. 

If you need to reach one of us, please feel free to email or call directly. Our staff directory can be found here and general inquiries can be directed to (802) 828-5627 or

We will provide updates here as they become available. 


Disaster Relief Financing

  • Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
    • Please note:  The SBA is no longer accepting PPP applications.
    • PPP Loan Forgiveness Applications are available on this page, including simple Form 3508S for PPP loans under $50,000 (released October 9, 2020)
  • Vermont Emergency Economic Recovery Grants 
    • The Economic Recovery Program is fully subscribed.
    • Stay tuned to the ACCD website for more information.  
  • Vermont COVID-19 Agriculture Assistance Program (VCAAP)
    • The Dairy Assistance and Agriculture and Working Lands Applications are currently suspended while modifications are underway and will reopen later this month. Once reopened, application deadline will be November 15, 2020. 
    • Sign up for the Agency of Ag newsletter to receive updates and be notified when the applications reopen

Helpful Links

Make sure to follow these links for the most up-to-date news and guidance from our partners, including: 

Stay tuned to this page for further information about Federal and State disaster relief funds for Vermont. We are working very closely with our State and Federal partners to expedite this process. Any information or applications will be posted here on our website. 

Last updated: October 9, 2020

Topics: In the News